Monday, July 30, 2012

I quit my job.

June 12 will go down in history for me.  It is the day I quit my job.  I loved my patients and nurses but the structure, leadership, volume and hours were ridiculous.  I didn't intend to quit, but my superior pushed me to my limit and I just quit. 

I have never been happier.  I didn't know I had it in me to quit.  I didn't know I was so gutsy or courageous. 

It wasn't the best time to quit. I didn't have another job out there in the wings waiting for me.  I didn't have a lot of money saved up to get by on.  But I knew it was the right thing to do and I did it.  I was stressed out, sick, in pain and fatigued.  I was sad, frustrated and alone.

For the past six weeks I have been in heaven.  No goals.  No specific plans. No schedule.  I am living very cheaply.  In fact, I discovered many "minimalist" blogs and books and am trying to live that kind of life.  This experience will change the way I live my life from now on.  There is so much I can live without.  I love having time.  Time is worth so much more than things.  I have rest.  My body doesn't hurt as much.  I have quiet.  No people around to have to chat with.  I have my art.  I have started creating things.  I hope to create enough art to sell them on Etsy.  If not, no big deal. 

Lest, I kid myself, I do have to go back to work, soon rather than late.  And I will, because I have been offered another, hopefully saner, job.  This experience, my sabbatical, as I call it, will alter my life and my perspective forever.  I won't let a job beat me down so much in the future.  I will only work at a job I can pace myself.  I will be more peaceful.

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