Monday, November 22, 2010

The Second Anniversary

Saturday November 20 was the second anniversary of Tom's resurrection to heaven.  Anniversary's are an unusual time.  Hard to know how exactly to handle it.  Last year the boys and I took a brief trip.  It was wonderful and healing.  I toyed around with the idea of a trip this year too, but veternarian bills for the pugs stole my vacation money.  So I knew we would be staying home.  Chris came home because he has the whole week off for Thanksgiving. 

I couldn't decide whether to spend the day away nearby by myelf, or just treat it like an ordinary day.  I chose to see what I felt like that morning.  The 19th is harder in some ways because that is the day of the accident and the night we spent in the ICU.  But I worked Friday and had a long lovely day with patients and the day drifted by without too many memories. 

Saturday I had the luxury of sleeping in.  So by the time I got up and did my usual slow morning routine, I decided I was up for an ordinary day.  Ordinary days in marriage are what make a marriage wonderful.  Spending time together with no real agenda.  Going to the store, gathering the makings of meals together is a lovely thing.  Getting your husband to carrying in your groceries, even better.  So off to the grocery store I went.  It wasn't busy and I just milled around the aisles.  Very enjoyable.  I returned home to find Chris had arrived and he helped me with the groceries.  We both decided to relax before going out to dinner, and be both fell asleep for a while.  We woke refrreshed and went off to dine at Undici's, since my lovely realtor Jan Melody gave me a gift card to it.  We had a delicious meal with excellent service, toasted Tom and caught up on the happenings of our lives, college, work, the new home. 

The funniest thing happened when we were ready to leave, our waiter seemed to want to shake hands, so I offered mine and he bent down and kissed me softly on the cheek.  I quickly knew it was a kiss and a touch from Tom.  He blessed my day and enjoyed the ordinariness of it.  Since the worst thing about widowhood is the lack of meaningful touch and sweet kisses, I will treasure that gentle act.

I am doing so well after two years.  Sad at times, angry even less, I now have settled into holding precious images of Tom through the years, especially his talent of making me laugh.  It was a joy to know him.  A gift I will always have. 

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