Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Ah Summer

Yesterday was the first day of summer, the longest day of the year, the summer equinox.  I delight in the long lightness of the day.  I was awakened at 5 am by a bird who could only carry a 4 note tune.  The light soon followed so I arose. I was full of energy and low on pain.  It seemed a very sacred day.

Yesterday was one of those days physicians relish.  It brought surprises in the way of amazing people and diagnoses. Most of primary care is filled with everyday diseases, colds, earaches, high blood pressure.  In the case of a primary care geriatrician, often my day is filled with Alzheimer's disease.  But on Monday, I had a patient with Supranuclear Palsy who was full of worry about her diagnosis.  I saw the most enchanting family who were host home providers to three young men with Down's Syndrome.  I only saw Will yesterday, a shy 52 year old man with a demure smile. His caregiver and her small children were so full of faith and the light of God it radiated the whole room.  Finally, I saw a woman with rash, who turned out to have a severe anemia.  I had to send her to the hospital for a work up and transfusions.  It may only be an iron deficiency, but it might be something more exotic.  I hope not for her sake, but it is interesting to think of the possibilities in my differential diagnosis.  Diseases I haven't thought about since medical school.

What a curious and blessed day.  I was self-satisfied and the patients were grateful.  But that is only a temporary good feeling.  Knowing that the day was ordained by God, as all days are, though I often fail to notice, filled my heart.  Some days I am just more aware of God's presence that others, and a day like yesterday reminds me to tune in a little better, even when it isn't the longest day of the year.

Enjoy the sunrises and sunsets these next few weeks.  It gives, " I am the light of the world" a new meaning.

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